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The Object The Bids Are In
  ... and we must say it is rather impressive, indeed, what some of you were willing to offer for the little beauty.

As one might expect, the number of bids we received was astronomical. We summarize them below in tabulated form to give all you bidders a sense of your competition.

Oh, and the item itself? The auctioning party is considering all bids, and is expected to make a determination sometime in the near-to-middling future.

10,473 Cash Offering - Under $100 US
255 Cash Offering - Between $101 - $500 US
3 Cash Offering - $501 - $8,000 US
1 Cash Offering - Over $8,000 US
7,445 Apparent Current Contents of Bidder's Pocket(s)
4,016 Vintage Vinyl and/or Historically (Ir)Relevant Sound Recordings
832 Female Spouses, Significant-Others, Family Members
78 Male Spouses, Significant-Others, Family Members
443 Musical Instruments
222 Architectural Structure(s)
88 Biological Matter
1,876 Alcohol, "Tobacco", and/or Firearms
83 Somebody's Gold Teeth
80 Foodstuffs
7,432 Entertainment, Sporting Event, or Vacation Package
603 Real Estate/Timeshares
199 Mammals, Reptiles, Actinopterygii
12 "My Immortal Soul"
87 Cosmetic Surgery
92 Legal, Medical, Dental Services
1 Free Cable
80 Toys, Action Figures, Stuffed Animals
148 "Some Really Neat Flash For Your Website"
396 Massage, Chiropractic, Misc. Body Work
85 Confections
873 The Honor Of Producing Bidder's Debut CD
955 The Honor Of Performing Bidder's Musical Composition
231 The Honor Of Funding Bidder's Screenplay
21 The Honor Of Kissing Bidder's Ass
13,076 Misc/Other
??????? Uncounted

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